COmmunity Outreach
In the Garden
Every Sunday, Trinity offers a free community lunch at 1:00 p.m. in the Church Undercroft. (During the month of August, sack lunches are served from the Broad St. entrance of the church.) We begin with worship & praise, and then a homemade meal is served. All are welcome! Volunteers are needed to offer hospitality, prepare food, serve the meal, set up, and clean up. Volunteer shifts run from 12:15 to 2:30 p.m. For more information, contact Lori.
Thanks to generous donors, Trinity provides a limited rental assistance to anyone in our community experiencing an emergency eviction or needing help to get off the streets and into a home. Our parishioner Barb Shoemaker donates her time on Wednesdays from 11-2 to meet with community members in need and arrange the appropriate funding.
For requests or more information, email KindnessFund@TrinityColumbus.org.
Community Partnerships
Trinity participates in B.R.E.A.D. (Building Responsibility Equality and Dignity), a statewide organization comprised of 44 congregations of different faith traditions, who each year identify certain community needs, and build cases to put to city and state officials in an open public forum. Issues on which such overt push for change has been exerted are payday lending, abandoned housing, and affordable housing. For more information about the B.R.E.A.D. Organization, click HERE.
Trinity supports the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless financially and hosts the annual Memorial Service
The Memorial Service is held annually to honor and remember people who have passed away while homeless in Columbus. Held on or near the longest night of the year in December, the service includes inspiring speakers, music, and reading of names of those who died.
CCH also produces the street card (resource list) which Trinity distributes to our unhoused neighbors.