Pastoral Care
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?"
"I will, with God's help."
Book of Common Prayer, page 305
Pastoral Care REquest Form
For urgent parishioner needs, please contact Rev. Jed or Rev. Iva by calling 614-221-5351
or by email at Reviva@TrinityColumbus.org
Trinity’s Pastoral Care Ministry
The ministry of caring is at the heart of the church's life. Members of our Trinity community will, at some point, face seasons of challenge and difficulty. We are called to bear these burdens together - explicitly called to the care of one another in and through our Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, p. 304-05). Pastoral care ministries encompass a wide range of clergy and lay-led response ministries, all intended to express this love of neighbor and see each other through these difficult and challenging seasons.
If you would like to volunteer for any of these ministries, please fill out the form below: